
Archive for March, 2014


Women are the glue that holds families and communities together. This is a truth that we’ve observed time and time again in our work with vulnerable people. When times are tough, it is typically women who make sure that children and elderly family members receive the necessary care, that shelter is provided and that social services are sought. It is usually a woman—whether she’s a mother, a grandmother or a daughter—who is the first point of contact for Volunteers of America when a family needs our support. If we can reach a woman, we can usually help not only her, but the other people in her life as well.

One program where the keystone role of women in families has been especially evident is “Look Up and Hope,” which aims to maintain bonds between mother and child when the mother is incarcerated. Usually in these situations, it is the grandmother or an aunt who takes care of the children after the mother has entered prison. Often, especially with younger children, their mother can be a complete stranger to them when she returns to the home several years later, further straining an already delicate family dynamic. By maintaining stronger bonds throughout the mother’s time in prison, in addition to providing other services to the caregiver, we hope to end the cycle of intergenerational poverty that plagues many families and ultimately nurture stronger communities.

During Women’s History Month each March, we typically take the opportunity to celebrate Volunteers of America’s co-founder, Maud Booth— a woman many years ahead of her time who paved the way for other women aiming to change the world. But it’s equally important to keep in mind those women who battle every day just to change their small corner of the world, their families or their homes. These women rarely receive the recognition they deserve, but their contributions are essential to the success of those closest to them.

– By Mike King, National President and CEO, Volunteers of America

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